Dedicated to the person who taught me how to serve and care for everyone around me with love and respect.


Serenity Springs is a tribute to Alissa’s father who passed away in 2023. He is someone she deeply admires and looks up to for fighting and winning his lifelong battle with mental illness. Her father struggled with trauma, depression, and anxiety. He used to tell Alissa that his greatest wish in life was to find serenity. He even named his own business after the word to remind himself of this goal. Alissa witnessed him fail time and time again, but each time, he would continue to get back up and search for his serenity. He decided to change his life around and made a plan with the help of his professional mental health team. Alissa watched as he stuck to this plan and bettered his life every day. It was hard, and he definitely had setbacks, but she believes he truly did find his serenity, and she hopes to be able to help you find yours too.


“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.”
– Washington Irving